The Speakership Battle of the Moderate Republicans
We knew it was coming. The losing Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) wing of the Republican Party is still vying for the Texas House Speakership. The same ones who tried to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton. How did that happen? RINOs can't stay in power unless they go against their constituents and let Democrats, who are the minority, run the Texas Legislature. These feckless Republicans you vote into office, turn around and appoint Democrats to critical leadership positions as a gesture of "goodwill power sharing." Ken Paxton is their number one obstacle to a wide open southern border. Unlike their old fraternity house they try to recreate, the Democrats are never expected to reciprocate when they are the majority legislative party. And Drunk Dade's congressional buddies are OK with that.
Open border Republicans and Democrats join forces to control the Texas House.
Rep. Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock) has peeled off a handful of bitter Dade Phelan hold-outs in a show of "bi-partisan" support with Democrats. His opponent Rep. David Cook (R-Mansfield) has the endorsement of Governor Abbott and the Texas Republican caucus. RINO squishes in Rep. Dustin Burrows' corner are itching to let Democrats control the next Texas legislative session AGAIN, so they can sit back at the farm twiddling their thumbs while the border is overrun. Nothing satisfies these two-faced liars than making deals with liberal Democrats to obstruct the conservative agenda. And Dustin Burrows' only chance at the Texas Speaker of the House position is his promise to Democrats to hand over the reigns of power to them AGAIN, despite Republicans being in the solid super majority. To keep the Texas House under actual Republican control, the head of the Texas GOP is cracking the whip on the strays like Palestine's Cody Harris and Mount Pleasant's Cole Hefner.
Every Republican State Rep who voted to impeach Ken Paxton wants Dustin Burrows for Texas House Speaker.
Soon to be replaced maverick Rep. Cody Harris (R-Palestine) complains of the strong-arm tactics by the Chairman of the Texas Republican Party, holding his feet to the GOP fire via a heavily worded text message.
Rep. Cody Harris supports Dustin Burrows for Speaker, much to the ire of the Texas Republican Party. (Courtesy: KETK) GOP leadership are threatening to tell constituents in Cherokee and Anderson Counties that Cody Harris takes his marching orders from Karl Rove by not following the adopted Texas Republican Party platform and bylaws. Another wayward Republican on the Dustin Burrows bandwagon is Rep. Cole Hefner (R-Mount Pleasant). The Democrats are also supporting Dustin Burrows because he's "so conservative." East Texas media is apoplectic their hometown deal makers will be challenged for not towing the GOP line.
It's all hat and no cattle.
Perhaps Reps. Harris and Hefner didn't get the memo that Texas doesn't need any more Dan Crenshaws. We have enough RINOs in Washington DC creating boogeymen as a deflection for their open borders failings. They promise to stay in office fighting as long as there's a subdivision and school to build for the undocumented future voters of an overrun America.
Tough talkin' Republicans push the story of invisible Iranian nationals plotting to assassinate US political candidates, while their donors build criminal illegal alien sanctuaries in their districts.
US Rep. Nathaniel Moran out of Northeast Texas has introduced a bill in Congress supposedly to "protect American citizens from violence by foreign powers..." Meanwhile, the southern border's Welcome Mat is permanently in place for rapists, murderers, and fentanyl mules to pour in. They don't care when little girls get their throats cut by illegal aliens employed in their districts, as long as the killers have a down payment for the homes being built by the developers on the donors list. Moran's congressional newsletter highlights the number of documented enemy foreign nationals crossing the border this year. No mention how many hundreds of thousands of illegal Mexican and Central American border crossers have settled in East Texas and how many of their children are currently enrolled in public school.
The open southern border is the number one national threat.
Texas voters have had enough with the Kabuki theater out of their representatives and not only want the southern border closed, but all criminal illegal aliens deported and their employers fined and/or in jail. They are sick of their property taxes skyrocketing to support an underclass of illegals flooding their school districts with drugs. All too often the conservative mandate has been hijacked by turncoat Republicans making backroom deals with Democrats to thwart the will of the people. See Louie Gohmert and John Cornyn as further examples.
RINO Rule of Thumb: Democrats get whatever they want.
Democrats line up behind Dustin Burrows after the promise of House leadership positions in a supposed Republican run legislative body. But, the days of the Drunk Dade Phelan Boys Club are waning in the Texas House. The same goes for the last group of East Texas RINOs on the Karl Rove plantation pretending to represent the people. Watch for their small time media accomplices to praise their fake "conservatism" come re-election time. They'll use Jacksonville's state senator Robert "Colony Ridge" Nichols as their cut-out.
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