This week's Cherokeean Herald claims a "crime wave" has hit the area after teenagers try to steal a parked car and go on a joyride, an Alto ISD student brings a knife to school resulting in a lockdown, and another kid gets caught breaking and entering.
What the hell does the local media call the last 30 years of law enforcement stealing and dealing drugs in the city halls, local precincts and steps of the courthouse in Rusk, TX? Cherokee County Pct. 3 constable Randall Thompson working as the district court bailiff is doing 12 years for intent to distribute meth.
60 year-old veteran police chief of Troup, TX (half the town is in Smith County and the southern part in Cherokee County)
was sentenced in Dec. 2006 to 10 years for stealing and tampering with seized drugs, and 3 years for his pot head second in command Sgt. Mark Turner.
And the Smith County DA has decided to not to SEAL the personnel records of Chester Kennedy and Troup's Chamber of Commerce "2005 Officer of the Year" Sgt. Samuel "Mark" Turner.
According to the Smith County crime lab, the Troup police department covering both Smith and Cherokee County hasn't sent drug seizure samples in 5 years.
That doesn't sound like a "crime wave" to the Cherokeean-Herald?
What does the Cherokeean Herald call the theft of over $150,000 in government funds by a still UN-INDICTED Rusk city employee?
What does the local media call the rape of 9 Jacksonville, TX women over a 3 year period by a Cherokee County police officer? And God knows how many on the side of the road?
Larry Pugh, Jacksonville TX patrolman
What does the paper have on the racially motivated beatings of innocent black people at the hands of Cherokee County law enforcement?
In this story posted by the Tyler Morning Telegraph from the AP wire
a bill pending in Austin making it a felony offense for an attack dog to bite humans. The owner of a vicious dog could get 20 years in prison for a serious attack.
Keep your dogs on a leash! We want this “crime wave” to pass. For every dog bite reported in Cherokee County, the crime stats begin to match neighboring counties.
Some people have to solve the dog problems themselves, before the Cherokee County District Attorney's office and its interns can travel to South Padre and Austin to "testify" about the stray marauders, and champion another preventable Cherokee County fatality.
The Cherokeean Herald failed to report on a local Alto, TX teenager shooting neighbor's cats, as reported on the AP wire and picked up by the Marshall News Messenger and the Lufkin Daily News.
The Alto, TX youth came onto a neighbor's property to watch his pit bull destroy a family pet, then got to watch his dog bite the bullet.
This article cites Grace Sharp, living on a farm between Rusk and Alto, TX . A common lament on how and why her 13 year old neighbor can get away with shooting her cats and trespassing on her property armed with a shotgun and a pit bull. The pit bull was shot by Sharp's husband, after it attacked the family dog in the pool. No legislation needed. No need to pack a bag and suntan lotion for Corpus --I mean Austin, just yet. PETA has been notified, even though the Cherokee County media is too cowardly to report it and county officials are too arrogant to respond.
PETA has attempted contact with both Cherokee County attorney Craig Caldwell and Sheriff James Campbell and has urged its followers to get involved in the illegal cat shooting. PETA has also been recently alerted to more animal cruelty on the 13-year-old's property, where pit bulls are alleged to be starved then trained to kill pigs.
Sounds like good ol' East Texas entertainment, watching a HOG-DOG rodeo; doesn't matter to Cherokee County prosecutors and the Sheriff's Department that its ILLEGAL under State law. Penal Code Title 9, Chapter 42, Section 42.091 and 42.10---animal cruelty and dog fighting.
Mrs. Sharp, formerly or Alto, Texas, simply doesn't understand the complex machination that is Cherokee County. Her complaint fell on deaf ears because the neighborhood kid is related to the same people she called to enforce the law; the same people handling her complaint. The same people that strolled across her property taking pictures of the scene. The same people who refuse to acknowledge her UN-neighborly problem or persue animal cruelty charges on the youth or dog fighting on his parents.
How can anyone enjoy their dream homes and retirement in rural Cherokee County?
Well, Agriculture Commissioner and former Cherokee County state senator Todd Staples (R) suggests Rusk, TX can cater to retirees, by building certified retirement communities similar to the urban development out of region.
Sounds like a great idea for the rural economy, but the grant monies will be stolen and spread around like PIÑATA candy. Certainly former state senator Senior Todd Staples (R-Palestine, TX) means well for his East Texas brethren and constituents, however there will have to be some government oversight if turning over federal money to one of the most corrupt counties in the state. Remember these are the people that stood behind the hiring of police impersonator Michael Meissner last month.
Does Austin know about that oversight? That Mr. Meissner has been employed in several cities within this district, even though he has an arrest record, a bogus criminal justice degree and he's not even a commissioned peace officer? As long as the county commissioners that hired him get to build some sanctuaries, we guess the grant money will be well spent.
Todd Staples might be bringing the bacon home to Cherokee County, but no one can ever smell it cooking. They CAN smell the methamphetamines wafting in the breeze in around New Summerfield and Rusk, where their most trusted law enforcement and speed labs reside.
Commissioner Staples (R) also predicts "growing opportunities" for Cherokee County. Again, with all due respect, the only booming economy Cherokee County, Texas has is the cyrstal meth production by your law enforcement. Don't act surprised when the State of Texas audits the Urban Development money you try to funnel to your constituents in Rusk, Texas. It going to wind up being shot up into some trucker's ass. Of course 10% of the proceeds could go into someone's re-election campaign, since those billboards on Highway 69 can get expensive.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
"Crime wave" ignores drug dealing bailiff, rapist cop and city embezzlement; Human vs. dog---kid vs. cat; Retirement centers or methadone clinics?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Remember the Good Ol' Days Before You Donate, Your District Attorney May Need It To Hire State Witnesses.
Cherokee County, TX has always been a yellow-dog Democrat district. It's political and societal rejects come across as very conservative as they feign their religious and moral convictions, but don't let the benevolent Democrat party tag fool you. They are not liberals; they are not conservatives; they work side by side drug dealers that use extortion to put money in their pockets. If you donate to them, then you need to know where your money is going, to whom and whom they are backing (even if they're pretending to be running against them).
Not all of the law enforcement, court personnel and attorneys are corrupt, but the entire Cherokee County political system has been corrupt for decades. For example, if one of their court appointed defense attorneys faces an Injury by Motor Vehicle civil suit, as in ALLBRIGHT, GREGORY WAYNE VS. TUCKER, BERT NEAL (Cherokee Co. Civil Docket; Case 2001030257) after a day of heavy drinking at the Rusk, TX courthouse, then where is the Cherokee County Bar Association's attorney reprimand? Is it that drunken court appointed counsel is more valuable than sober? Of course; it doesn't matter that an elderly man, a six-year-old girl and a car with a local Rusk family has crashed---sending all involved to the hospital. That is because the Cherokee County District Attorney's office and their associates DEFENDS the actions of an alcoholic bar member. And covers up the fact that people died and committed suicide over their injuries sustained in Cherokee Co. TX Civil Docket; Case 2001030257; Injury Involving a Motor Vehicle ALLBRIGHT VS. TUCKER.
In the 1960's, Cherokee County, TX never reported a single vote until Lyndon B. Johnson told the district judges the exact number of votes needed to win an election. Then Cherokee County would come in with the Democratic votes needed, right at the last minute. Sound familiar? With every voting officer related to the incumbent at the local precinct voting hall, Cherokee County to this day provides more votes than actual registered voters. Could we see the self professed right-wingers and Pro-Lifers do that now in 2007 with the Republican swing vote? Certainly. Cherokee County was corrupt then and it is corrupt now. Even neighboring Smith County has a history of voter machine "break downs" and voter fraud. Smith County and Cherokee County are not part of the state of Texas' Election Administration Management database.
All but 30 counties in Texas are not members of the TEAM's service, and Cherokee County will remain off the charts. There is no formal oversight in the local voting precincts.
This how you have individuals such as former Cherokee County District Attorney Charles Holcomb
Justice Charles Holcomb (R) TXCRIMAPP
being elected to judgeships, even as Cherokee County District Attorney accepting money from a murder victim's insurance payoff and convicting an obviously innocent Nacogdoches gentleman in 1990. And not mentioning it in his Texas State Bar profile that the conviction was reversed by the 12th Court of Appeals in 1993 and the defendant was ACQUITTED of Holcomb's charge of capital murder for remuneration. The case is State v. Terry Watkins; Watkins served 5 years.
Jacksonville Daily Progress June 3, 1993 click pic for large view.
The State was represented by Cherokee County's Elmer Beckworth during the appeal.
The Jacksonville Daily Progress August 23, 1990 ran an article on the actual murder trial, Charles Holcomb's "last big case" as District Attorney of Cherokee County, TX. The trial jurors themselves questioned Holcomb's acceptance of money from the victim's father in order to hire a State witness.
Daily Progress August 23, 1990 click above pic for larger view.
From The State of Texas v. Watkins in 1990:
You would think that state charges would be filed on the recipient of a $800,000 insurance policy of what Holcomb calls a "botched burglary (which was a charge thrown out by the 12th Court of Appeals in Tyler, TX). " The widow he says was "rumored to have had multiple affairs---" even though Holcomb knows the trial lasted for months due to the defense calling all her lovers, including the former police chief of Alto, TX, and several of Holcomb's friends and relatives. Read more at the Dec. 2006 posting.
Is this selective amnesia or a deliberate omission of the truth? The defense in State v. Watkins subpoenaed the various lovers of the victim’s promiscuous widow because her widespread pattern of infidelities was commonly known. This was not inconsequentially vaguely “rumored” but instead reported as the trial progressed. Many of her lovers were called to the stand, and as such, the State vs. Terry Watkins (1990) was the longest running criminal trial in Cherokee County, TX history.
Cherokeean Herald August 2, 1990 Click pic for larger image.
Is it honorable for a sitting Justice on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to cite to the Texas State Bar patently false resolutions to cases he prosecuted? Or is this the version Charles Holcomb wants the Bar to print because there are no old news articles from his hometown in circulation to prove he is in fact, being dishonest? Or no attorney within the Bar would research the case State v. Watkins (1990) on Find Law, because Holcomb's colleagues on the 12th Court of Appeals in Tyler chose not to publish the ruling against Holcomb who had just been elected to the bench?
Read Judge Charles Holcomb's State Bar profile for further comparison.
Ask yourself before you donate in the Cherokee County, Texas primaries:
Is the money you give going to a candidate who is pretending to be a God fearing Republican or an opportunistic pervert?
Is the money going into someone's wife's new S-Class Mercedes, to make up for the secret escapades of a bored and alcoholic trial attorney?
Is this guy you're turning over your hard earned money to a bonafide civil rights championing Democrat, or did he do his part in blaming the victims of racially motivated beatings at the hands of Cherokee County, TX law enforcement?
Do these guys actually play golf with each other and laugh all the way to the bank for basically doing nothing, because their paychecks depend not only defending and prosecuting the petty crimes of a handful of locals, but getting a cut from the REAL drug dealers working in law enforcement?
Has your trial lawyer candidate ever been involuntarily committed to drug rehab by the District Judge and Cherokee County Bar Association? Has this attorney been given court appointed representation for his DUI's, yet assigned local court appointed service as a friend of the Cherokee County District Court? Has he drunk himself literally to death as he is in and out the hospital, but at the same time assigned to 'represent' indigent clients on the docket?
And lastly, is your choice for public office simply hedging votes for a buddy, just to turn around and endorse an "opponent"- one of the oldest tricks in the book!
Is that where you want your children's future to be in the hands of? A county with multiple drug convictions of its bailiffs, constables and police chiefs; AND NOT ONE ARREST BY THE CHEROKEE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT?
If you enjoy having your property taxes and city services monies stolen by the government employees you elected (and will never be prosecuted for embezzlement), then Cherokee County is the place to for you live and do business. If you don't have a problem with the constable that serves your subpoenas (and works as your bailiff in the court house), why, if don't care that he's dealing drugs while he "enforces the law," then the welcome mat is rolled out for you. Remember that when you attend a good ol' fashioned political rally with cupcakes and pecan pies for sale. The drug dealer of your choice depends on it.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Child porn in Nacogdoches jails/ Longview police volunteer indicted for child molestation/ Trinity County sheriff fails peace officer certification 3X
The Cherokee County media has reported that Jacksonville, TX resident Larry Hinton and his wife have settled a federal civil rights suits against the City of Jacksonville that has been buried by the local media outlets for a couple of years. Mr. Hinton was falsely arrested, beaten (complete with tasers) and had the pleasure of getting his teeth knocked out by the arresting officers during a botched round-up of rowdy high schoolers back in 2004. The incident occurred during the Jacksonville High School homecoming at the Tomato Bowl football stadium. For his troubles, Mr. Hinton was tried in 2006 by the Cherokee County Attorney for some concocted justification for Jacksonville Officer Larry Pugh's (now a convicted sexual predator) brutality that night in October '04.
This is typical Cherokee County propaganda, especially against minorities who win civil rights cases against the buddy system; it is reported as not a loss, but a win for the county.
Other local media outlets are following suit.
According to the Rusk Cherokeean the Sons of Confederate Veterans will be sponsoring the 3rd Annual city of Gallatin, TX Gopher Fest. Complete with rebel flags and pick 'em up trucks. No mention of the Hinton federal rights suit, though. A black man and his pregnant wife being tasered and beaten by a mob of white police officers simply is not news in Rusk, TX. It is also not news that the arresting officer Larry Pugh is now sentenced to 12 years in federal prison, in an "unrelated case" involving him sexually assaulting women while on patrol in Jacksonville, TX.
Even according to the Tyler Morning Telegraph, April 10, 2007, the latest federal suit against Jacksonville police officers and the City of Jacksonville, TX has again, "been settled." It states: plaintiffs Larry Hinton and wife Leslie filed the suit after being stun gunned and beaten up by Jacksonville PD during a high school homecoming scuffle in October 2004.
The article cites "former Jacksonville Officer Larry Pugh allegedly maced and beat Hinton, according to the lawsuit." The news articles also erroneously state the case was "settled." When Cherokee County entities lose a case, then it is reported as "settled."
When the county wins a civil rights case then it is reported as such.
"In an unrelated case," Larry Pugh is another example of a racist Cherokee County predator cop, a la the beating of John Brown of Alto, two years ago. We believe the cases are VERY related.As stated earlier, in January 2006, Larry Hinton was originally arrested, tried and then acquitted in Cherokee County for "interfering with an official investigation," in which he and his wife were beaten by Jacksonville PD. Fellow Cherokee County constituents sick and tired of the police corruption and the sheltering of rogue elements staged a demonstration during the Hinton trial on the steps of the Cherokee County courthouse in Rusk, Texas.

Gatherers showed their solidarity with the victims' being put through the ringer, instead of arresting officer Larry Pugh, Jacksonville PD. The mock trial took place in Cherokee County Attorney Craig Caldwell's court.
Again, no mention by the Cherokeean of the fact that Jacksonville patrol officer Larry Pugh was incarcerated by the US Attorney's office, soon after the Hinton's false arrests, for his role in raping women during his traffic stops. No mention of that blemish on the Cherokee County Attorney or District Attorney's office.
Cherokee County actually went forward on the bogus trial of Larry Hinton, even though the arresting officer Larry Pugh, JPD was indicted on federal counts of sexual assault and retaliation.
Editor's question: why was Larry Hinton tried in County Court instead of the District Attorney's court? Assaulting a peace officer and interfering with an official investigation is a felony, not a case for misdemeanor court.
The Answer: the county attorney has to take his blows, to keep the political heat and media off the District Attorney's office. However as the picture posted at
shows that the protesters in 2006 that stood outside the steps of the Cherokee County courthouse were not protesting the County Court at Law. They were rightfully questioning "the DA " and the "preponderance of the evidence" against Larry Hinton. Another racially motivated injustice and complete travesty. You can't fool everybody every day, just some people some of the time.
On the related racially motivated beating, John Brown a former high schooler from Alto, Texas

has lost his federal lawsuit in Marshall, TX regarding the night Cherokee County Sheriff Deputy Jamie Beene shattered his ankle and scholarship. Article posted March 29, 2007.
In the article, Sheriff James Campbell reflects on 'winning' the civil rights trial Brown v. Beene, "now that it is over, we're going back to enforcing the law."
Officer Jamie Beene was "enforcing the law" the night he shattered John Brown's ankle. Remember that. A Jacksonville patrol officer raping women when he pulled them over at night was "enforcing the law."
The same JP officer Larry Pugh was "enforcing the law" when he attacked Mr. Hinton and his wife, when Mr. Hinton tried to rescue his wife from the racist hands of Cherokee County law enforcement.
Constable Pct. 3 Randy Thompson busted for intent to distribute crystal meth was "enforcing the law" while he acted as the 369th Judicial District Court bailiff.
Police chief Chester Kennedy of Troup, TX busted for drug dealing and evidence tampering was "enforcing the law" for 12 years in Cherokee County, Smith County and Wood County
Heck, even ol' Michael Meissner, gypsy-cop extraordinaire and police chief candidate for New Summerfield was "enforcing the law" in Cherokee County. Even though he didn't have a valid and current TCLEOSE certification, but did have an arrest record to go with his fake Criminal Justice degree.
C'mon out to the 3rd Annual Gallatin Gopher Fest, folks, in the heart of Cherokee County, Texas. Bet these guys will be as tickled as a shrew in soft dirt when the Sons of Confederate Veterans rifle off something. They're just supporting those who make a living "enforcing the law." The sons of the Confederacy are enforcing the law in Cherokee County, Texas.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Jacksonville, TX police department settles excessive force lawsuit from Tomato Bowl riot, Brown v. Beene; Sons of the Confederacy
This is typical Cherokee County propaganda, especially against minorities who win civil rights cases against the buddy system; it is reported as not a loss, but a win for the county.
Other local media outlets are following suit.
According to the Rusk Cherokeean the Sons of Confederate Veterans will be sponsoring the 3rd Annual city of Gallatin, TX Gopher Fest. Complete with rebel flags and pick 'em up trucks. No mention of the Hinton federal rights suit, though. A black man and his pregnant wife being tasered and beaten by a mob of white police officers simply is not news in Rusk, TX. It is also not news that the arresting officer Larry Pugh is now sentenced to 12 years in federal prison, in an "unrelated case" involving him sexually assaulting a woman in custody while on patrol in Jacksonville, TX.
Even according to the Tyler Morning Telegraph, April 10, 2007, the latest federal suit against Jacksonville police officers and the City of Jacksonville, TX has again, "been settled." It states: plaintiffs Larry Hinton and wife Leslie filed the suit after being stun gunned and beaten up by Jacksonville PD during a high school homecoming scuffle in October 2004.
The article cites "former Jacksonville Officer Larry Pugh allegedly maced and beat Hinton, according to the lawsuit." The news articles also erroneously state the case was "settled." When Cherokee County entities lose a case, then it is reported as "settled."
When the county wins a civil rights case then it is reported as such.

In an "unrelated case" according to the County Attorney, Officer Larry Pugh was arrested by the US Attorney's office for forcing 2 women to have sex with him, while he was patrolling the streets of Jacksonville, TX. He had about a dozen complaints against him that were ignored by the City of Jacksonville and the Cherokee County Sheriff's Department over a 3 year period. Larry Pugh has since been sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for sexually assaulting a woman in his custody and violently retaliating against after she complained
"In an unrelated case," Larry Pugh could be another example of a racist Cherokee County predator cop, a la the beating of John Brown of Alto, two years ago. We believe the cases are VERY related.As stated earlier, in January 2006, Larry Hinton was originally arrested, tried and then acquitted in Cherokee County for "interfering with an official investigation," in which he and his wife were beaten by Jacksonville PD. Fellow Cherokee County constituents sick and tired of the police corruption and the sheltering of rogue elements staged a demonstration during the Hinton trial on the steps of the Cherokee County courthouse in Rusk, Texas.

Gatherers showed their solidarity with the victims' being put through the ringer, instead of arresting officer Larry Pugh, Jacksonville PD. The mock trial took place in Cherokee County Attorney Craig Caldwell's court.
Again, no mention by the Cherokeean of the fact that Jacksonville patrol officer Larry Pugh was facing incarceration by the US Attorney's office soon after the Hinton's false arrests, and facing Federal Indictment for raping women during his traffic stops. No mention of that by the Cherokee County Attorney or District Attorney's office during Hinton's trial.
Cherokee County actually went forward on the bogus trial of Larry Hinton, even though the arresting officer Larry Pugh, JPD was going to indicted on federal counts of sexual assault and retaliation.
Editor's question: why was Larry Hinton tried in County Court instead of the District Attorney's court? Assaulting a peace officer and interfering with an official investigation is a felony, not a case for misdemeanor court.
The Answer: the county attorney has to take his blows, to keep the political heat and media off the District Attorney's office. However as the picture posted at
shows that the protesters in 2006 that stood outside the steps of the Cherokee County courthouse were not protesting the County Court at Law. They were rightfully questioning "the DA " and the "preponderance of the evidence" against Larry Hinton. Another racially motivated injustice and complete travesty. You can't fool everybody every day, just some people some of the time.

On the related racially motivated beating, John Brown a former high schooler from Alto, Texas
has lost his federal lawsuit in Marshall, TX regarding the night Cherokee County Sheriff Deputy Jamie Beene shattered his ankle and scholarship. Article posted March 29, 2007.
In the article, Sheriff James Campbell reflects on 'winning' the civil rights trial Brown v. Beene, "now that it is over, we're going back to enforcing the law."
Officer Jamie Beene was "enforcing the law" the night he shattered John Brown's ankle. Remember that. A Jacksonville patrol officer raping a woman when he took her into custody was "enforcing the law."
The same JP officer Larry Pugh was "enforcing the law" when he attacked Mr. Hinton and his wife, when Mr. Hinton tried to rescue his wife from the racist hands of Cherokee County law enforcement.
Constable Pct. 3 Randy Thompson busted for intent to distribute crystal meth was "enforcing the law" while he acted as the 369th Judicial District Court bailiff.
Police chief Chester Kennedy of Troup, TX busted for drug dealing and evidence tampering was "enforcing the law" for 12 years in Cherokee County, Smith County and Wood County
Heck, even ol' Michael Meissner, gypsy-cop extraordinaire and police chief candidate for New Summerfield was "enforcing the law" in Cherokee County. Even though he didn't have a valid and current TCLEOSE certification, but did have an arrest record to go with his fake Criminal Justice degree.
C'mon out to the 3rd Annual Gallatin Gopher Fest, folks, in the heart of Cherokee County, Texas. Bet these guys will be as tickled as a shrew in soft dirt when the Sons of Confederate Veterans rifle off something. They're just supporting those who make a living "enforcing the law." The sons of the Confederacy are enforcing the law in Cherokee County, Texas.

New Summerfield, TX hires police impersonator as Chief of Police
Again, readers, you will not find this posted in the local Cherokee County media:
Michael Meissner ---the ideal Cherokee County peace officer
New Summerfield, TX has hired another rogue police officer, nationally known psuedo-Cop impersonator Michael Chase Meissner, who the mayor of New Summerfield incredulously defends in the March 19, 2007 Jacksonville Daily Progress. The applicant for police chief had a fake TCLEOSE certificate and bogus college degree, but that didn't stop Mayor Dan Stallings from hiring Meissner the famous "gypsy cop." Article located at:
Michael Meissner had apparently been on the
blogs and watchlists for years. An expose on Meissner appeared on Tucson, AZ Channel 11 News.
C'mon, Mayor, why did was this guy really hired? You want the taxpayers to believe you have any say so, who your applicants are? In the era of instant background checks and making a few phone calls of your applicants' references, you would have found out who and what Michael Meissner is: a fraud. Meissner was hired for a reason--- because he IS rogue and willing to do whatever the Cherokee County District Attorney or Sheriff's Department would see him fit to.
Other more intelligent people have created a doissier on Michael Meissner.
The Jacksonville Daily Progress finally reports on the criminal background of New Summerfield's newest Chief of Police, before city council fired him after 5 days.
The website systematically catalogs the bogus cops stints as
1. Caney City and Bardwell, TX police chief.
2. Operating a security business without a license.
3. Arrest warrants, bogus degree, complaints, etc.
And the continually updated website further elaborates within its archives, the history of Meissner's deception. There is a tips page, for readers to track him as well.
One would begin to believe that Michael Meissner is not a benign small town con-artist; he is a bonafide East Texas recruit that makes his living by doing underhanded things for officials that 'need something done.' He is not your run-of-the-mill loser with a Hero Complex. He is a predator 'cop' who was handpicked to replace outgoing police chief Randal Kennedy. With the ongoing political and criminal turmoil coming out of city hall, it is more likely that Meissner was hired to 'clean up' New Summerfield.
That is what makes Michael Chase Meissner the ideal Cherokee County, Texas law enforcement officer.
Don't hold your breath for an "investigation" on Michael Meissner by the Cherokee County Sheriff's Department. They already investigated him and found him to be the perfect candidate. CCSD and New Summerfield would rather play ignorant and duped by Meissner to the media. Project Fool 'Em Again Today will be in full deployment.